Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Max C London

THANK YOU to the lovely Gem Fatale!! I recently won one of her Third Year Bloggiversary giveaway week prizes! She ran the most amazing week of giving away a different prize each day, including a free Wah Nails manicure, Bertie Boots, Me and Zena jewellery, Tabio footwear (amazing!), a No 7 range and two Max C London dresses! I've been so very lucky to be one of three people to win two Max C London dresses as pictured above.

(I hadn't realised the postman had left them next door with my neighbours, so was thoroughly excited to open the parcel when I got home from London yesterday evening.)

The first is a floral skater dress, I've never been sure if I can really pull off light colour dresses as I'm rather large in the derriere, however this dress is the perfect shape for me, fitted in the top and flaring out from the waist. (A good hip hider) It's super soft and a made of a much thicker cotton jersey than I thought, making it ideal for the colder weather - I can't wait to team it with thick tights, chunky boots and a big cardigan.

The second is a rather lovely LBD. It has a great 1950's prom dress feel to it! So again, a massive thank to Gem, I can't wait to wear them! If you haven't already, make sure you take a look at Gem Fatale's blog.

I hadn't really been aware of the MaxC London brand until my recent foray into the blogging community and having won these dresses, I felt it was about time to take a better look. The above two dresses are my favourite on their website, I've seen the rose print dress featured on numerous blogs. The floral pattern is just so lovely, the subtle colours ideal for Autumn and again, like my skater dress, a very flattering shape. The stripe collar dress is for want of a better word, so 'cute'! I think it would look great teamed with a blazer for an interview. (Yes. I'm still hoping someone will eventually want to interview me.) Again, it's not a colour I naturally lean towards and yet I find the dress utterly appealing.

Rose Skater Dress

MaxC create a variety of dresses, skirts, knitwear, tops and accessories that aren't your standard high street fashion, making their website worth a look. Or two. x

Don't say in a letter what you can't in my ear

The last two weekends I've been up to London, and while killing time waiting for trains or for Charlie to finish work, I decided to start the dreaded Christmas shopping. Well, I say dreaded, normally it is, however this year I actually have ideas for presents which is making the entire process far more enjoyable! Anyway, this led me to explore shops such as Selfridges - it's not somewhere I had ever really considered going, let alone buying anything from, but I was fairly surprised to discover the entire place isn't soley consumed with things out of my price range!

Anyway, while exploring the store I came across the kitchen area (I guess?) and sadly now I have fallen in love with cups and saucers. 

Many cups and saucers. 

This naturally doesn't help situation: Christmas however I felt they were all too pretty not to share! (I've also thrown in a few Urban Outfitter's treats for good measure.) The Wedgewood Polka Dot Tea Story range is just so wonderfully pretty and I also very much desireth the Royal Albert Polka Dot Rose 1930 three piece set. I always see these things as multi-function, not only can they be used as intended (exciting tea vessel) but as a means of creating a background for photographing jewellery! I know, I need to get out more. I'm nearly as much of a sucker for pretty china as I am for stationary and packaging. 

What do you think? Have you discovered any lovely china... perhaps something a little less harsh on the bank account? I start to worry if I owned something so lovely I would be terrified to use it as it would be so mortifying if you accidentally broke it!!

I have so many things I need to blog about, I have one other post half done and about two others partly mentally prepared! Expect to be bombarded in the next week or so.... x